13 May 2020 Wednesday. 22:15:43 UTC
I require your total attention for the next 24 hours, or I will certainly make sure you that you live out of shame for the rest of your lifetime.
Hi, you do not know me. However I know everything regarding you. Your entire fb contact list, smartphone contacts and all the digital activity in your computer from past 171 days.
Which includes, your masturbation video clips, which brings me to the primary motive why I 'm writing this specific e-mail to you.
Well the last time you visited the adult material webpages, my spyware was activated inside your computer which ended up saving a lovely video clip of your masturbation play simply by activating your webcam.
(you got a incredibly odd taste by the way lmao)
I have the full recording. If, perhaps you think I am messing around, just reply proof and I will be forwarding the recording randomly to 12 people you're friends with.
It might end up being your friend, co workers, boss, parents (I don't know! My software will randomly choose the contacts).
I would like to make you a one time, no negotiable offer.
Buy $ 2000 in bitcoin and send them on the down below address:
Address may appear as "1A*SaSZwQeZxWPATbEzoFF5XxbQDdU1Esr4".