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20 November 2018 Tuesday. 02:29:18 UTC
blackmail scam
Cathryn Woolf
United States
Guess what, I came to know all of the scummy secrets of your life. I will not explain you just what exactly I'm aware of, I've got the information with me. To demonstrate this, simply let myself tell you that one of your passwords is xxxxxx. Pay me $5000 via BITC01N to the address 1Ajkg2FVFCynoeUVZFQCuMtphnDHXoMkm7 within the next 44 hours. I would like to make one thing obvious, that I will ruin your life completely if I don't get the payment. In case I do get the payment, I will delete each and every info I have with me, and i'll go away and you'll under no circumstances hear anything from me. It is the first and also final e-mail from me as well as the offer can not be negotiated, therefore do not respond to this email.
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