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01 October 2018 Monday. 13:09:28 UTC
blackmail scam
Tasia Ettinger
United Kingdom
Is not '---' is your pass? I have the taped video of your cam showing your indecent sexual actions and video you watched with the help of my malware which was there on the website you watched the porn videos. You happen to be looking interesting in the video footage. Your email and Facebook contacts were then sent to me by the malware. I will email your video to your friends unless you pay me $4000 via B I T C O I N S in the next 36 hours to the below address: B I T C O I N Address: 1CkRstwc16HJuUMwQhh19L8mSs4rvoGeSP Copy-Paste address because it is CasE SenSiTiVe. Once money is sent, I will destroy your recording and every other information I have about you. If I don't receive the money, I will email your video to every contact of yours. Imagine about the awkwardness you experience. or if you happen to be in an intimate relationship, exactly how it will eventually affect? Want proof? Reply "Yes", & I'll email your video to nine of your e-mail contacts.
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30 September 2018 Sunday. 19:18:36 UTC
blackmail scam
Claudie Gallant
United States
Is not '999999' is your passphrase:) I am Claudie. I recorded your cam showing your indecent stimulating actions & clip you streamed using my virus which was activated on the website you visited to watch the xxx videos. You are actually appearing engaging in the video clip. Malware also gave me access to all of your Facebook and mail contacts plus the recording. I will email your video to your friends unless you send me 3000 USD Once I get the money, I will delete your video and every bit of information I have about you. If I don't get the money, I will email your video to every contact of yours. Consider about the awkwardness you will get. Keep in mind if you are in an affair, how it would affect?
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