Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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01 April 2019 Monday. 15:23:36 UTC
blackmail scam
email phishing as my own email
United States
1st option is to ignore this email. Then, i will send your video to just about all of your personal contacts and think about the awkwardness you will definitely get. Not to mention should you be in a romance, how this will affect? 2nd solution is to compensate me $996. We will refer to it as a donation. Consequently, i most certainly will straightaway eliminate your videotape. You can go forward your daily life like this never occurred and you will not ever hear back again from me. You will make the payment by Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search for 'how to buy bitcoin' in Google search engine). BTC address to send to: 1CofcW4jGLLQe72SethHHbpP4RbqYnpH18
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