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Transaction number
17 November 2018 Saturday. 02:31:45 UTC
blackmail scam
Noby Pogue <[email protected]>
United States
"Hey there, I actually know the sneaky secrets of your life. I won't reveal you exactly what I came to know, I have the info with me. To prove my point, just let myself tell you that one of your security passwords is definitely #########. Send me $3000 via BITC01N to the address 1KW3KSFT4FyC1CbQi8sKEej1etyqqNieYw within the next 41 hrs. I want to make one important thing straightforward, that I will devastate your life completely if I don't get the payment. In the event that I get the payment, I'm going to erase every last details I've with me, and I will disappear altogether and you will under no circumstances hear a thing from me. This is actually the first as well as final email from me and also the offer is non negotiable, and so do not respond to this e-mail.
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