Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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Transaction number
04 August 2021 Wednesday. 21:01:03 UTC
Michael Walker [email protected]
Text from email: Greetings Eli. A large number of fans of masturbating on XXX web-sites someday receive this text! The fact of ur masturbation was recorded utilizing your web camera and now I have got the a bunch of dirt on u! The moment I got access thanks to my prog I stole all your contact data as well as all ur accesses to ur social networks. I am a foreign national that is why don’t waste ur time reporting to law bodies, it’s pointless. U direct reward for my silence and I will eliminate all your jaw-dropping vids. Fair price 1000 $, Bitcoin 1NKYhMUX2wPDpeVyfHfYB1VaaT21uakpbM. The moment when you read the msg there are only forty-eight hours remained for money transfer, my system will notify me that u have opened the msg! If you defy these requirements I will annihilate your reputation in the eyes of your family, in ninety-six h all your bunch of dirt will be sent to your contacts and ur social networking web-sites. It’s pointless to write me, this email is hacked and soon there will be no access to it.
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