08 March 2020 Sunday. 00:46:47 UTC
Sim Swap Hacked and $15,214.58
Phone was Sim Swapped and then the hacker broke into my email ([email protected]) using phone text authorization and password resets and then got access to my coinbase where they stole $15,214.58 worth of crypto. This is the address my money was sent to bc1qrxd2r30w5wqan43t79044pq00cczw3k5cpdzfu. Traced it to this one 39QonxrWw21VurJuqKgf8dhE6boygVJoQv.
Ensure your report includes...
Your mobile carrier - T-Mobile
Time and date of incident ~ 2/25/2020 4am CST
The IP of the hacker was from
Washington, United States
The address of where the BTC money was sent was at bc1qrxd2r30w5wqan43t79044pq00cczw3k5cpdzfu
Which of the following were used in this incident? (Check all that apply.)
☐ Spoofed Email
☐ Similar Domain
☑ Email Intrusion
☑ OtherPlease specify: Sim Swap Hack