Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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22 November 2021 Monday. 07:04:23 UTC
Kate Sanderts
United States
Met a Kate Sanders on Tinder back in January. She claimed to be a cam model and that her manager, Melissa Adams, wouldn't allow me. Only on her terms, which was renting an hotel room and paying for a background check. I didn't see anything wrong with that given the nature of her work. Our meeting date kept getting pushed back until the point where Kate claimed she was getting deported back to the Netherlands because her visa was up and the cam model agency she worked for didn't renew her visa. So I was sending her money in order to support her as she was trying to find a job. But she claimed she had no success. I found out Kate was catfishing me when I did a reverse image search and found the real person's Instagram. I contacted the real person and they confirmed they were real and Kate was fake.
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