30 November 2021 Tuesday. 17:26:14 UTC
Trying to say they hacked into my email from a link I apparently recently clicked which gave them “access” to ALL of my computers, mic’s and webcams (I don’t click ANY links from emails) saying how they know how much I “love” to go on adult websites (yet I haven’t searched up porn in like a year) so they’re saying they’ve recorded videos of me watching porn and “masturbating” Graphically. Definitely knew it was fake at that point, They couldn’t even address me by my first name, they addressed me by my email address, which is kind of funny considering they apparently have access to all my devices and microphones yet they don’t even know my first name. It’s very obviously a scam, they’re asking for about 1500$ in Bitcoin to “delete the sexual videos” otherwise they will send them to my family and friends. My boyfriends best friend actually fell for this one (through Facebook) so I was well aware of the scam already, so it didn’t worry me. But I just wanna spread awareness and report these idiots.