17 April 2020 Friday. 01:16:44 UTC
Hello there, you do not know me. However I know just about everything concerning you. Your fb contact list, mobile phone contacts as well as all the virtual activity on your computer from past 115 days.
Consisting of, your masturbation video footage, which brings me to the main motive why I 'm writing this e mail to you.
Well the last time you visited the porno webpages, my malware ended up being triggered in your computer which ended up recording a lovely footage of your masturbation act by activating your cam.
(you got a unquestionably unusual taste btw lol)
I have the full recording. In the case you think I 'm messing around, simply reply proof and I will be forwarding the recording randomly to 9 people you recognize.
It might end up being your friend, co workers, boss, mother and father (I don't know! My software will randomly choose the contact details