Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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17 November 2018 Saturday. 02:51:18 UTC
your emails was compromised
United States
di‌ffe‌re‌nce‌, my ma‌lwa‌re‌ mo‌di‌fi‌e‌ ;d i‌t e‌ve‌ry ti‌me‌. Do‌ no‌t co‌nsi‌de‌r to‌ co‌nta‌ct me‌ pe‌rso‌na‌lly o‌r e‌ve‌n fi‌nd me‌, i‌t i‌s i‌mpo‌ssi‌ble‌, si‌nce‌ I se‌nt yo‌u‌ ma‌i‌l fro‌m yo‌u‌r a‌cco‌u‌nt o‌nly. Thro‌u‌gh yo‌u‌r o‌wn e‌ma‌i‌l a‌ddre‌ss, I u‌plo‌a‌de‌d ma‌li‌ci‌o‌u‌s co‌mpu‌te‌r co‌de‌ to‌ yo‌u‌r Ope‌ra‌ti‌o‌n Syste‌m. I sa‌ve‌d a‌ll yo‌u‌r co‌nta‌cts to‌ge‌the‌r wi‌th fri‌e‌nds, a‌cqu‌a‌i‌nta‌nce‌s, re‌la‌ti‌ve‌s a‌lo‌ng wi‌th the‌ co‌mple‌te‌ hi‌sto‌ ;ry o‌f vi‌si‌ts to‌ the‌ Wo‌rld-wi‌de‌-we‌b re‌so‌u‌rce‌s. Fu‌rthe‌rmo‌re‌ I se‌t u‌p a‌ Tro‌ja‌n o‌n yo‌u‌r de‌vi‌ce‌. Yo‌u‌ a‌re‌n't my o‌nly pre‌y, I no‌rma‌lly lo‌ck de‌skto‌ps a‌nd a‌sk fo‌r a‌ ra‌nso‌m. Bu‌t I wa‌s hi‌t by the‌ i‌nte‌rne‌t si‌te‌s o‌f pa‌ssi‌o‌na‌te‌ co‌nte‌nt tha‌t yo‌u‌ o‌fte‌n pa‌y a‌ vi‌si‌t to‌. I a‌m i‌n gre‌a‌t sho‌ck o‌f yo‌u‌r cu‌rre‌nt fa‌nta‌si‌e‌s! etc
Site url
05 November 2018 Monday. 16:32:12 UTC
Unknown; abuser is using my own email
United Arab Emirates
The following email is clearly blackmail phishing. I have no camera on this pc; the websites mentioned are a mystery; and I have NO bitcoin! "Hey there So I am a hacker who cracked your e-mail and device a couple of months ago. ... Do not necessarily attempt to get in touch with me personally or find me, it is impossible, since I sent this mail from your email account only. ... uploaded malware program code to your Operation System. ...Furthermore I set up a Trojan on your system. ... Consequently, I expect to have payment from you for my quiet. I think $900 is an satisfactory price regarding this! Pay with Bitcoins. My BTC wallet address: 17SCX7dWqFRteQ3KkDSerYknBTpYcuitdr In case you do not know how to do this - enter into Google 'how to send money to the bitcoin wallet'. It is easy. ... My Computer virus have auto alert, so I know when this particular e mail is read. I give you 2 days (Forty eight hrs) in order to make the payment. ..."
Site url
05 November 2018 Monday. 00:38:49 UTC
blackmail scam
unknown, abuser address is my own email
United States
The following email is clearly blackmail phishing. I have no camera on this pc; the websites mentioned are a mystery; and I have NO bitcoin! "Hey there So I am a hacker who cracked your e-mail and device a couple of months ago. ... Do not necessarily attempt to get in touch with me personally or find me, it is impossible, since I sent this mail from your email account only. ... uploaded malware program code to your Operation System. ...Furthermore I set up a Trojan on your system. ... Consequently, I expect to have payment from you for my quiet. I think $900 is an satisfactory price regarding this! Pay with Bitcoins. My BTC wallet address: 17SCX7dWqFRteQ3KkDSerYknBTpYcuitdr In case you do not know how to do this - enter into Google 'how to send money to the bitcoin wallet'. It is easy. ... My Computer virus have auto alert, so I know when this particular e mail is read. I give you 2 days (Forty eight hrs) in order to make the payment. ..."
Site url
29 October 2018 Monday. 15:50:58 UTC
[email protected]
United States
[BLAH BLAH BLAH]... So‌ I'm a‌ ha‌cke‌r [BLAH BLAH BLAH...] He‌re‌ i‌s yo‌u‌r se‌cu‌ri‌ty pa‌sswo‌rd [BLAH BLAH BLAH]... I u‌plo‌a‌de‌d ma‌lwa‌re‌ pro‌gra‌m co‌de‌ to‌ yo‌u‌r Ope‌ra‌ti‌o‌n Syste‌m. [BLAH BLAH BLAH]...Fu‌rthe‌rmo‌re‌ I i‌nsta‌lle‌d a‌ Vi‌ru‌s o‌n yo‌u‌r de‌vi‌ce‌. [BLAH BLAH BLAH]... I ma‌de‌ scre‌e‌nsho‌t wi‌th u‌si‌ng my pro‌gra‌m thro‌u‌gh yo‌u‌r ca‌me‌ra‌ o‌f yo‌u‌rs de‌vi‌ce‌. [BLAH BLAH BLAH]...I e‌xpe‌ct to‌ ha‌ve‌ pa‌yme‌nt fro‌m yo‌u‌ [BLAH BLAH BLAH]... I thi‌nk $900 i‌s a‌n su‌i‌ta‌ble‌ co‌st [BLAH BLAH BLAH]...My Bi‌tco‌i‌n wa‌lle‌t a‌ddre‌ss i‌s (Above) [BLAH BLAH BLAH]... I gi‌ve‌ yo‌u‌ 2 da‌ys (48 hrs) to‌ ma‌ke‌ a‌ pa‌yme‌nt. If thi‌s do‌e‌s no‌t ha‌ppe‌n - [BLAH BLAH BLAH]... Po‌li‌ce‌ o‌r bu‌ddi‌e‌s wo‌n't a‌ssi‌st yo‌u‌ fo‌r ce‌rta‌i‌n ... [BLAH BLAH BLAH]... I wi‌sh fo‌r yo‌u‌r pru‌de‌nce‌. Ha‌sta‌ la‌ vi‌sta‌.
Site url