Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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21 November 2018 Wednesday. 19:37:58 UTC
blackmail scam
United States
You can complain to the cops but nobody can solve your problem. I dont live in your country. So nobody can trace me even for 6 months. I infected your OS. We turned on your webcam, when you visited porn web-page. Now we have a video with your masturbation. Using your device as RDP I copied all your contacts and if you ask us to stay silent we want to be paid 500 dollars in bitcoins. Use this bitcoin address to pay ( 1EqSZdDeCU3DLU67bf4QK4BzYiMdAwP496 ) (use it like your credit card number) You have 28 h after reading my message for making the transaction. There is no need to write me that you have paid. This address is given only to you, everything will be removed automatically after transaction verification. You can get 48 h only write back +. Good luck. Dont forget about the shame.
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