06 January 2019 Sunday. 19:51:08 UTC
Brazilian hacker anonymous
You have been hacked and uploaded all your photos and files.
If you are not familiar with this, I will explain it.
you have downloaded an application on your device that enabled me to access all of your files stored on it.
That means I can see everything on the screen and run the camera and microphone, but you're not aware of that.
And also got access to all your contacts.
With a click of a button, I can send all this to all your email contacts and social networks.
I know this will destroy your future.
To prevent this, transfer the amount of 600 USD to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how, google
I give you 24 hours to pay.
Do not worry, I have a notification that reads this letter, and the timer works when you read this letter.