16 April 2020 Thursday. 04:00:00 UTC
Well the last time you went to the adult material websites, my spyware ended up being triggered inside your personal computer which ended up documenting a beautiful footage of your self pleasure play simply by triggering your webcam.
(you got a really odd taste by the way lmao)
I own the complete recording. Just in case you think I am messing around, simply reply proof and I will be forwarding the recording randomly to 10 people you're friends with.
It could be your friend, co workers, boss, mother and father (I don't know! My software will randomly select the contacts).
Would you be able to look into anyone's eyes again after it? I doubt that...
However, doesn't necessarily need to be that route.
I want to make you a one time, no negotiable offer.
Purchase $ 2000 in bitcoin and send them on the below address:
[CASE-sensitive copy and paste it, and remove ***