16 April 2020 Thursday. 06:19:32 UTC
Hi, you don't know me personally. Yet I know everything concerning you. Your present fb contact list, mobile phone contacts plus all the digital activity in your computer from previous 131 days.
I have got the full recording. If perhaps you feel I am playing around, just reply proof and I will be forwarding the particular recording randomly to 12 people you know.
It might be your friend, co workers, boss, parents (I'm not sure! My software program will randomly select the contact details).
Will you be able to look into anyone's eyes again after it? I question it...
But, doesn't necessarily need to be that way.
I'm going to make you a 1 time, non negotiable offer.
Get USD 2000 in bitcoin and send it to the down below address:
[CASE-sensitive so copy & paste it, and remove *** from it]