Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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24 November 2020 Tuesday. 02:48:34 UTC
blackmail scam
United States
I have a recording clearly showing u masturbating. I downloaded your email contacts! It's frightful to think what will occur if your near and dear ones see it. bc1qzhg8saugm3rsa67377cmdax5at8h4vk9l35jfr is my wallet address, you should send 0.03 Bitcoin to it. As soon as you've read the message, u have 24 hrs, I'll get a message. Once I see my account is funded, I will delete all the compromising materials as soon as possible. Otherwise, all the compromising materials on u will be forwarded to your folks... Anyways, here is my advice be careful on the network, do not go to fishy Internet sites, especially the pron websites Sometimes an antivirus solution can't reveal the danger... Sorry for my English, I am not a native speaker. It doesn't make any sense to answer this letter, it's a temporary email.
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