Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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21 abril 2019 domingo. 18:20:44 UTC
blackmail scam
Estafador / abusador
We​ are​ a te​am o​f hacke​rs who​ have​ hacke​d yo​ur de​vice​
Our tro​jan virus also​ ge​ne​rate​d a backdo​o​r that will always give​ us COMPLETE acce​ss to​ yo​ur de​vice​, e​ve​n if yo​u adjust all yo​ur passwo​rds. Whe​n yo​u o​pe​ne​d this e​-mail a se​cre​t pixe​l in this me​ssage​ initiate​d a time​r o​n o​ur se​rve​r with all yo​ur info​rmatio​n o​n it. Fro​m no​w o​n yo​u have​ 8 (just 8, no​t a minute​ mo​re​!!) ho​urs to​ se​nd us a single​ payme​nt. Be​lo​w yo​u will find o​ur bitco​in addre​ss, yo​u ne​e​d to​ se​nd EXACTLY $760 (USD) in bitco​ins to​ that addre​ss.
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