Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

¡Manténgase seguro, verifique si las billeteras son una estafa!

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07 junio 2019 viernes. 00:02:56 UTC
Estafador / abusador
Standard scrape and bait
Now, because I do not like at all what I saw (that’s pretty crazy and ugly) I ask you to send me a donation through Bitcoin network. 2000 US dollars is a fair price (considering your perversions). If you want me to forget about the whole case, remove the files and disable the nasty app that is spying you, send me the Bitcoin payment within 72 hours. Yes, I give you 72 hours only. Here is my wallet: ======================================= Send exactly 0.291695 BTC to my address: 39kSx9AGws69r63XEQveHsbdMjJUZhu8sx (copy it and paste - it’s case sensitive) ======================================= 0.291695 BTC = 2000 dollars If you do not send me the Bitcoin, I promise you - I will send those 4 files with you enjoying yourself to all your contact lists, associates and social network friends. I still have access to your device and I know when you read this message. When you opened it, time started ticking. You have 72 hours only!
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