Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

¡Manténgase seguro, verifique si las billeteras son una estafa!

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02 diciembre 2021 jueves. 16:48:13 UTC
Estafador / abusador
Blockficapitals, Shakepay, Coinbase
A friend contacted me about investing in in order to receive a daily proceed of 3.5% from my investment. I spoke with my husband (his phone number I included on the form since he is always home) and we opened about 8 different accounts including members of our family and invested over 70000 usd $. We did withdrawal about 3 times but reinvested everything. When we realized it was working, we decided to invest more so we did what is called a joint investment proposed by the so call bishop martins in which we put in about 40.000 usd. Since that was done, he blocked us from withdrawing. All efforts to convince him is not working but he keeps insisting we put in more money to be able to withdraw. Immediately, we realized we have been scammed. We see the money growing daily but it’s impossible to withdraw. We really need help as we are so depressed. We have tried to contact some sites to complain but it seems to us they are all scam seeing the enormous sum they require from in order to help us.
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02 diciembre 2021 jueves. 16:48:12 UTC
Estafador / abusador
Blockficapitals, Shakepay, Coinbase
A friend contacted me about investing in in order to receive a daily proceed of 3.5% from my investment. I spoke with my husband (his phone number I included on the form since he is always home) and we opened about 8 different accounts including members of our family and invested over 70000 usd $. We did withdrawal about 3 times but reinvested everything. When we realized it was working, we decided to invest more so we did what is called a joint investment proposed by the so call bishop martins in which we put in about 40.000 usd. Since that was done, he blocked us from withdrawing. All efforts to convince him is not working but he keeps insisting we put in more money to be able to withdraw. Immediately, we realized we have been scammed. We see the money growing daily but it’s impossible to withdraw. We really need help as we are so depressed. We have tried to contact some sites to complain but it seems to us they are all scam seeing the enormous sum they require from in order to help us.
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