Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

¡Manténgase seguro, verifique si las billeteras son una estafa!

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07 junio 2019 viernes. 00:11:24 UTC
Estafador / abusador
Твой кошмар - Contact <[email protected]>
I think you will not be happy, because I have a very bad news for you. Just a few months ago (01/03/2019) I hacked your operating system and I have full control of your device. I implanted a small application into your device which sends me your current IP address and allows me to connect to your device just like remote desktop. Even if you change your password, it won’t help. etc. I have secured 4 videos: xxxxxx_1556288941.mp4 (108.6 MB) xxxxxx_1559092605.mp4 (103.0 MB) xxxxxx_1559015803.mp4 (31.1 MB) xxxxxx_1558442040.mp4 (45.7 MB) etc. Here is my wallet: ======================================= Send exactly 0.297524 BTC to my address: 3A2jquuCz9HretbXfgxeiWxsUW5ARLXoYE (copy it and paste - it’s case sensitive) ======================================= 0.297524 BTC = 2000 dollars etc.
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