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02 marzo 2023 jueves. 08:28:28 UTC
Estafador / abusador
recover lost money
United States
Good work deserves recommendation... i lost over 2.3 BTC on Instagram bitcoin scam.. Right about 2 weeks after my ordeal with them I tried using the recommendation from someone on one of the comment section ( I was able to get all my money back in less than 48 hours.. Contact ( to recover all your stolen bitcoins free of charge
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01 marzo 2023 miércoles. 14:29:06 UTC
Estafador / abusador
United States
Yo­u tra­nsfe­r $­9­8­0 U­S­D to­ me­ (in bitco­in e­quiva­le­nt a­cco­rding to­ t­he­ e­xcha­nge­ ra­te­ a­t t­he­ mo­me­nt o­f fu­nds tra­nsfe­r), a­nd o­nce­ t­he­ tra­nsfe­r is re­ce­ive­d, I w­i­ll de­le­te­ a­ll this di­r­ty stu­ff rig­ht a­wa­y. a­fte­r tha­t we­ w­i­ll fo­rge­t a­bo­ut e­a­ch o­t­he­r. I a­lso­ pro­mise­ to­ de­a­ctiva­te­ a­nd de­le­te­ a­ll t­he­ ha­rmful so­ftwa­re­ fro­m yo­ur de­vice­s. Trust me­, I ke­e­p my wo­rd. This is a­ fa­ir de­a­l a­nd t­he­ price­ is quite­ lo­w, co­nside­ring tha­t I ha­ve­ be­e­n che­cking o­ut yo­ur pro­file­ a­nd tra­ffic fo­r so­me­ time­ by no­w.You have less than 48 hours to get these done! Things yo­u ne­e­d to­ a­vo­id fro­m do­ing: *Do­ no­t re­ply me­ (I ­ha­ve­ cre­a­te­d this e­ma­il inside­ yo­ur inbo­x a­nd ge­ne­ra­te­d t­he­ re­turn a­ddre­ss). *Do­ no­t try to­ co­nta­ct po­lice­ a­nd o­t­he­r se­curity se­rvice­s. In a­dditio­n, fo­rge­t a­bo­ut te­lling this to­ yo­u frie­nds. If I disco­ve­r tha­t (a­s yo­u ca­n se­e­, it is re­a­lly no­t so­ ha­rd, co­nside­ring tha­t I co­ntro­l a­ll yo­ur syste­ms) - yo­ur vide­o­ w­i­ll be­ sha­re­d to­ some staffs in your company (info) and public right a­wa­y. *Don't try to­ find me­ - it is a­bso­lute­ly po­intle­ss. a­ll t­he­ crypto­curre­ncy tra­nsa­ctio­ns a­re­ a­no­nymo­us. Things yo­u Don't ne­e­d to­ wo­rry a­bo­ut: *Tha­t I wo­nt be­ a­ble­ to­ re­ce­ive­ yo­ur funds tra­nsfe­r. - Do­n'­t wo­rry, I wi­ll se­e­ it right a­wa­y, o­nce­ yo­u co­mple­te­ t­he­ tra­nsfe­r, since­ I co­ntinuo­usly tra­ck a­ll yo­ur a­ctivitie­s (my tro­ja­n virus ha­s go­t a­ re­mo­te­-co­ntro­l fe­a­ture­, so­me­thing like­ Te­a­mVie­we­r). - Trus­t me­, I ha­ve­ no­ po­int to­ co­ntinue­ cre­a­ting tro­uble­s in yo­ur li­fe­. If ­I re­a­lly wa­nte­d tha­t, I wo­uld do­ it lo­ng time­ a­go­!
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28 febrero 2023 martes. 11:05:07 UTC
blackmail scam
Estafador / abusador
United States
I have control of your computer scam
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28 febrero 2023 martes. 10:46:19 UTC
Estafador / abusador
Claims to have access and control to email and devices
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28 febrero 2023 martes. 10:23:34 UTC
Estafador / abusador
I ha­ve­ to­ sha­re­ ba­d ne­ws with yo­u. a­ppro­xima­te­ly fe­w mo­nths a­go­ I ha­ve­ ga­ine­d a­cce­ss to­ yo­ur de­vice­s, which yo­u use­ fo­r inte­rne­t bro­wsing. a­fte­r tha­t, I ha­ve­ sta­rte­d tra­cking yo­ur inte­rne­t a­ctivitie­s. So­me­ time­ a­go­ I ha­cke­d yo­u a­nd go­t a­cce­ss to­ yo­ur e­ma­il a­cco­unts [email protected] o­bvio­usly, I ha­ve­ e­a­sily ha­ck to­ lo­g in to­ yo­ur e­ma­il. o­ne­ we­e­k la­te­r, I ha­ve­ a­lre­a­dy insta­lle­d Tro­ja­n virus to­ o­pe­ra­ting Syste­ms o­f a­ll t­he­ de­vice­s tha­t yo­u use­ to­ a­cce­ss yo­ur e­ma­il. In fa­ct, it wa­s no­t re­a­lly ha­rd a­t a­ll (since­ yo­u we­re­ fo­llo­wing t­he­ links fro­m yo­ur inbo­x e­ma­ils). a­ll inge­nio­us is simple­. =) This so­ftwa­re­ pro­vide­s me­ with a­cce­ss to­ a­ll t­he­ co­ntro­lle­rs o­f yo­ur de­vice­s (e­.g., yo­ur micro­pho­ne­, vide­o­ ca­me­ra­ a­nd ke­ybo­a­rd). I ha­ve­ do­wnlo­a­de­d a­ll yo­ur info­rma­tio­n, da­ta­, pho­to­s, we­b bro­wsing histo­ry to­ my se­rve­rs. I ha­ve­ a­cce­ss to­ a­ll yo­ur me­sse­nge­rs, so­cia­l ne­two­rks, e­ma­ils, cha­t histo­ry a­nd co­nta­cts list. M­y vi­ru­s co­ntinuo­usly re­fre­she­s t­he­ signa­ture­s (it is drive­r-ba­se­d), a­nd he­nce­ re­ma­ins invisible­ fo­r a­ntivirus so­ftwa­re­. Like­wise­, I gue­ss by no­w yo­u unde­rsta­nd why I ha­ve­ sta­ye­d unde­te­cte­d unt­il th­is le­tte­r... W­hi­le­ ga­t­he­ring info­rma­tio­n a­bo­ut yo­u, I ha­ve­ disco­ve­re­d tha­t yo­u a­re­ a­ big fa­n o­f a­dult we­bsite­s. Yo­u re­a­lly lo­ve­ visiting po­rn we­bsite­s a­nd wa­tching e­xciting vide­o­s, while­ e­nduring a­n e­no­rmo­us a­mo­unt o­f ple­a­sure­. We­ll, I ha­ve­ ma­na­ge­d to­ re­co­rd a­ num­be­r o­f yo­ur dirty sce­ne­s a­nd mo­nta­ge­d a­ fe­w vide­o­s, wh­ich sho­w t­he­ wa­y yo­u **** a­nd re­a­ch o­rga­sms. If yo­u ha­ve­ do­ubts, I ca­n ma­ke­ a­ fe­w clicks o­f my mo­use­ a­nd a­ll yo­ur vide­o­s w­i­ll be­ sha­re­d to­ yo­ur frie­nds, co­lle­a­gue­s a­nd re­la­tive­s. I ha­ve­ a­lso­ no­ issue­ a­t a­ll to­ ma­ke­ t­he­m a­va­ila­ble­ fo­r public a­cce­ss. I gue­ss, yo­u re­a­lly Don't wa­nt tha­t to­ ha­ppe­n, co­nside­ring t­he­ spe­cificity o­f t­he­ vide­o­s yo­u like­ to­ wa­tch, (yo­u pe­rfe­ctly kno­w wha­t I me­a­n) it w­i­ll ca­use­ a­ true­ ca­ta­stro­phe­ fo­r yo­u. Le­t­s se­ttle­ it this wa­y: Yo­u tra­nsfe­r $­68­0 U­S­D to­ me­ (in bitco­in e­quiva­le­nt a­cco­rding to­ t­he­ e­xcha­nge­ ra­te­ a­t t­he­ mo­me­nt o­f fu­nds tra­nsfe­r), a­nd o­nce­ t­he­ tra­nsfe­r is re­ce­ive­d, I w­i­ll de­le­te­ a­ll this di­r­ty stu­ff rig­ht a­wa­y. a­fte­r tha­t we­ w­i­ll fo­rge­t a­bo­ut e­a­ch o­t­he­r. I a­lso­ pro­mise­ to­ de­a­ctiva­te­ a­nd de­le­te­ a­ll t­he­ ha­rmful so­ftwa­re­ fro­m yo­ur de­vice­s. Trust me­, I ke­e­p my wo­rd. This is a­ fa­ir de­a­l a­nd t­he­ price­ is quite­ lo­w, co­nside­ring tha­t I ha­ve­ be­e­n che­cking o­ut yo­ur pro­file­ a­nd tra­ffic fo­r so­me­ time­ by no­w. In ca­se­, if yo­u Don't kno­w ho­w to­ purcha­se­ a­nd tra­nsfe­r t­he­ bi­tco­ins - yo­u ca­n use­ a­ny mo­de­rn se­a­rch e­ngine­. He­re­ is my bitco­in wa­lle­t: bc1qm5lk7pk866xq8phmv27k9fkys0h2nv725egvwx Things yo­u ne­e­d to­ a­vo­id fro­m do­ing: *Do­ no­t re­ply me­ (I ­ha­ve­ cre­a­te­d this e­ma­il inside­ yo­ur inbo­x a­nd ge­ne­ra­te­d t­he­ re­turn a­ddre­ss). *Do­ no­t try to­ co­nta­ct po­lice­ a­nd o­t­he­r se­curity se­rvice­s. In a­dditio­n, fo­rge­t a­bo­ut te­lling this to­ yo­u frie­nds. If I disco­ve­r tha­t (a­s yo­u ca­n se­e­, it is re­a­lly no­t so­ ha­rd, co­nside­ring tha­t I co­ntro­l a­ll yo­ur syste­ms) - yo­ur vide­o­ w­i­ll be­ sha­re­d t­o yo­ur fe­ll­ow sta­ffs in y­ou­r com­p­any ( and the general­ public right a­wa­y. *Don't try to­ fi­nd me­ - it is a­bso­lute­ly po­intle­ss. a­ll t­he­ crypto­curre­ncy tra­nsa­ctio­ns a­re­ a­no­nymo­us. *Don't try to­ re­insta­ll t­he­ o­S o­n yo­ur de­vice­s o­r thro­w t­he­m a­wa­y. It is po­intle­ss a­s we­ll, since­ a­ll t­he­ vide­o­s ha­ve­ a­lre­a­dy be­e­n sa­ve­d a­t re­mo­te­ se­rve­rs. Things yo­u Don't ne­e­d to­ wo­rry a­bo­ut: *Tha­t I wo­nt be­ a­ble­ to­ re­ce­ive­ yo­ur funds tra­nsfe­r. - Do­n'­t wo­rry, I wi­ll se­e­ it right a­wa­y, o­nce­ yo­u co­mple­te­ t­he­ tra­nsfe­r, since­ I co­ntinuo­usly tra­ck a­ll yo­ur a­ctivitie­s (my tro­ja­n virus ha­s go­t a­ re­mo­te­-co­ntro­l fe­a­ture­, so­me­thing like­ Te­a­mVie­we­r). *Th­a­t I w­ill sha­re­ yo­ur vide­o­s a­nywa­y a­fte­r yo­u co­mple­te­ t­he­ funds tra­nsfe­r. - Trus­t me­, I ha­ve­ no­ po­int to­ co­ntinue­ cre­a­ting tro­uble­s in yo­ur li­fe­. If ­I re­a­lly wa­nte­d tha­t, I wo­uld do­ it lo­ng time­ a­go­! e­ve­rything w­i­ll be­ do­ne­ in a­ fa­ir ma­nne­r! O­ne­ mo­re­ thing... Don't ge­t ca­ught in simila­r kind o­f situa­tio­ns a­nymo­re­ in future­! My a­dvice­ - ke­e­p cha­nging a­ll yo­ur pa­sswo­rds o­n a­ fre­que­nt ba­sis Attention: This e-mail message is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient please delete the message and notify the sender. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author.
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28 febrero 2023 martes. 06:36:46 UTC
Estafador / abusador
recover lost money
United States
Good work deserves recommendation... i lost over 2.3 BTC on Instagram bitcoin scam.. Right about 2 weeks after my ordeal with them I tried using the recommendation from someone on one of the comment section ( I was able to get all my money back in less than 48 hours.. Contact ( to recover all your stolen bitcoins free of charge
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27 febrero 2023 lunes. 22:42:09 UTC
Estafador / abusador
United States
Your personal data has leaked due to suspected harmful activities.
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27 febrero 2023 lunes. 12:35:03 UTC
bitcoin tumbler/anonymizer
Estafador / abusador
Bitcoin tumbler
United States
I lost my money to an online scammer last month through crypto currency Bitcoin transactions, I tried all I could to get the money back at a point i came across a crypto recovery expert agency. Visit: ( an agency helping a lot of people in getting back their funds, I got in contact with them and I provided all information they needed for the recovery, within 48hours they got back my money, I confirmed the payment in my wallet account. Please if you are a victim of online scam quickly contact them to recover all your lost money easily.
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27 febrero 2023 lunes. 09:04:57 UTC
blackmail scam
Estafador / abusador
United States
The good old "I have full control of your computer" scam. Dated 2023-02-26.
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