Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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10 juin 2021 jeudi. 13:18:48 UTC
Escroc / abuseur
Beurax Corporation Pty Ltd
Beurax was a pyramid scam that provided good profits if you invest with them. They said you can start with $20 and make a profit of hundreds of thousands of dollars, the same was if you wanted to invest in BTC which I was interested in. I started with $100 because over time everything seemed normal for me and my friend we invested a larger amount of money. They promised a 1,8% return on investments Monday-Friday for a twenty-day period payment plan, and you couldn’t withdraw your money for 20 working days from the time you deposit. For us, this company seemed legit as it had regulations from ASIC in Australia. Then everything went wrong, we could withdraw our daily profits and the company re-invested it without our consideration. Then we contacted support they said we should not worried and our money will be with us by April. After a few weeks the website went down and we had no access to it anymore.
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