Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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27 juin 2019 jeudi. 20:42:47 UTC
Escroc / abuseur
You will make the payment by Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search for "how to buy bitcoin" in Google search engine). BTC Address: 1AjsqMRnCmAwtTfEhzSapoJHhBuDRVKkki [case-SENSITIVE copy and paste it] If you may be thinking of going to the authorities, well, this message can not be traced back to me. I have taken care of my actions. I am also not looking to charge a fee much, I prefer to be paid for. You have one day to pay. I have a specific pixel within this mail, and now I know that you have read through this e-mail. If I don't get the BitCoins, I definitely will send out your video recording to all of your contacts including family members, coworkers, and so on. Having said that, if I do get paid, I'll destroy the video immediately. If you really want evidence, reply Yea & I definitely will send your video recording to your 5 friends. This is the nonnegotiable offer so please do not waste my personal time and yours by responding to this email.
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