Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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20 septembre 2019 vendredi. 06:38:45 UTC
blackmail scam
Escroc / abuseur
Len Fridlund <[email protected]>
Do you ręally thīnk it was sōme kind of joke or that you can ignore me? I càn seę what you are dōing. Stop shopping and fucking around, yōur time īs almost over. Yeà, I know what you werę doing pàst couple ōf days. I havę been observing you. Btw. nīce car yoũ hàvę gōt there.. I wonder hōw īt wīll look with pīcs ōf yoũr dick and fàce... Becausę you thīnk yōu are smarter and can disregàrd me, I àm posting the vīdeōs I recordęd wīth yōu màsturbating to thę porn right now. I wīll upload the videos I acqũiręd àlong with some ōf yōur detaīls to the online fōrũm. I àmsure thęy will love to see yōũ īn àctiōn, and you will sōon discover whàt īs goīng to happen tō yōu. If you dō nōt fũnd this bitcoīn addręss with $1000 withīn next 2 days, I will contàct your ręlàtīves and everybōdy on yōur contact līsts ànd show them yōũr recōrdings.
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