10 mars 2022 jeudi. 17:02:14 UTC
Escroc / abuseur
I made contact with Bruce through an Instagram. he said all we need it $250 to start, I sent $500 ….was in a ‘giving mood’. From that call I was contacted by John Marks. He said that they only prefer to do trades with Bitcoin (BTCUSD), Ethereum (ETHUSD), SOLUSD, rarely XRPUSD. John says, his goal is to give his clients up to 25% per month. I think John was always intrigued that I was asking questions, but my questions should have been more focused no proving that Monafoli was legit rather than being lured by learning from his coaching. They did access both my cell phone and my Desktop with AnyDesk. Maybe Desktop Access Log: 386-375-802. Allow him to witness me accessing the system (monafoli trading platform) and my ShakePay. John was asking me to transfer the funds as I did before. I tried to make a withdrawal On January 3rd, I received notice from ‘support’ to ask about my recent Withdrawal Request. I was contacted by Richard Wayne and he was confirming that the notes provided by John Marks state that we were going to get Dino to $30 EU profile, and that we needed his funds. I forwarded the $25000 to Monafoli. I don’t see the entire template on my Mobile screen. It was a Friday, when I was going to make my transfer ($20,000 CAD)