Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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10 juin 2019 lundi. 14:43:58 UTC
blackmail scam
Escroc / abuseur
Just a few months ago (08/03/2019) I hacked your operating system and I have full control of your device. How I infected you? The router that you used to connect to Internet had a security hole. You can read about this problem by searching for CVE-2018-10562. I hacked your router and I put my code into it, and when you tried to connect to Internet, my program infected your device The sites for adults you are visiting... you know what I mean... For the last 2 months I have been spying on you through your device camera.. especially when you visited those sites to have fun... I have secured 4 videos 2000 US dollars is a fair price (considering your perversions). Yes, I give you 72 hours only. Here is my wallet: ======================================= Send exactly 0.292965 BTC to my address:
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