Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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11 maggio 2022 mercoledì. 07:30:06 UTC
blackmail scam
United Kingdom
The virus gives me full access and control over your computer or any other device on your network. It means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on your camera and microphone, but you don't know about it. I also have access to all of your phone and email contacts, as well as access to your social media accounts. Why didn't your antivirus detect any malware? Answer: My malware uses a low-level device driver build-in your CPU and I update its signatures every 4 hours to keep your antivirus silent. I got access to your smartphone and saw everything you were doing... well, I got a video of you masturbating in the bathroom (nice interior, by the way) I put together a footage: on one side of the screen is the video you're watching at the moment and on the other side is your satisfied face. With one click, I can send this video to all your contacts. Do you want to prevent it? I understand your concern. Especially since the video was quite vulgar, I can't imagine the embarrassment you will feel when your colleagues, friends and relatives see it. If you need to erase all of your collected data just send 0.02 btc (Bitcoin) to a wallet that was specially generated for your email address. 1Apuie2W4DALjcDpfWcAjcdiGKg9uzGu2T Yes, it's that simple! My script will detect the transaction to the wallet and will automatically delete all the dirt that was collected on you. I will give you 48 hours to pay. Do not try to reply to this email, it
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