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22 dicembre 2019 domenica. 10:45:07 UTC
blackmail scam
United States
Я установил свою программу классификации "RAT" на ваше устройство. На данный момент ваше устройство и почтовый ящик взломаны. Я знаю все ваши пароли, так как мой уставновленный кейлоггер на вашу ОС все собрал для меня Я не злодей, а просто хороший программист, и даю вам шанс. Если вам нужно стереть все собранные данные и видео с вашим участием и предотвратить огласку, отправьте мне 500 долларов США в BTC (криптовалюта). Это мой биткойн-кошелек: 3CMCRgEm8HVz3DrWaCCid3vAANE42jcEv9
fonte dei dati
Url del sito
28 novembre 2019 giovedì. 22:39:29 UTC
blackmail scam
I will send your mɑsturbation video to all your friends and associates from your contact lists that I downloaded from your device. Your family members will receive it as well. You will regret it, trust me. Here are the payment details again: Send 2,000 USD = 0.271347 BTC to this Bitcoin address as soon as possible: 32LoyYy7ijiFpYbfnqTjoddXBN2pV3ZCDA You can visit the police but they will not solve your real problem. My program will still be installed on your device and I still will own your mɑsturbation videos. Police will not catch me anyway. I know what I am doing. I do not live in your country and I know how to stay anonymous. Don't ever try to deceive me - I will know it. My program is recording all the websites you visit and all your key presses. If you try to trick me - I will send this ugly video to everyone you know, including your family members. I am waiting for your Bitcoin payment. You have 72 houɼs left.
fonte dei dati
Url del sito