17 aprile 2020 venerdì. 13:27:59 UTC
I do know, xxxx, is your pass word.
I need your full attention for the next Twenty-four hours, or I may make sure you that you live out of embarrassment for the rest of your life.
Hi, you don't know me personally. Yet I know pretty much everything concerning you. Your present fb contact list, mobile phone contacts along with all the virtual activity on your computer from past 128 days.
I have got the complete recording. If you think I am messing around, simply reply proof and I will be forwarding the particular recording randomly to 9 people you know.
It could be your friends, co workers, boss, parents (I don't know! My software will randomly choose the contacts).
Would you be capable to look into anyone's eyes again after it? I doubt that...
Purchase $ 2000 in bitcoin and send it to the listed below address:
[case-SENSITIVE so copy and paste it, and remove *** from it]
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