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23 августа 2019 Пятница. 21:53:05 UTC
blackmail scam
Мошенник / обидчик
Meta Mick [email protected]
United States
Meta Mick [email protected] scammers... Warning Warning Do yoű really think it wäs sōme kind of joke or that you can ignorě me? I can see what you are doİng. Stōp shōpping and fucking arōund, your time is älmost ōver. Yea, I know what yoű were doing päst couple ōf days. I have been observing you. Btw. nicě car you have got there.. I wōnder how it wİll lōōk with pİcs of your dick and face... If yōu do not fund this bitcoin address with $1000 wİthin next 2 days, I will contact your relatİvěs änd ěverybody ōn yoűr contäct lists änd show thěm your recōrdings. ===================================== Sěnd: 0.1 bitcoin (İ.ě approx $1000) to thİs Bitcoin äddress: 1ANDtjssa4o6vRiQ4j69wajZPskP5nEUra
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