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27 сентября 2021 Понедельник. 15:01:59 UTC
Мошенник / обидчик
United States
I am sorry to inform you but your device was hacked. That's what happened. I have used a Zero Click vulnerability with a special code to hack your device through a website. A complicated software that requires precise skills that I posess. This exploit works in a chain with a specially crafted unique code and such type of an attack goes undetected. You only had to visit a website to be infected, and unfortunately for you it's that simple for me. You were not targeted, but just became one of the many unlucky people who got hacked through that webpage. All of this happened in August. So I’ve had enough time to collect the information. I think you already know what is going to happen next. For a couple of month my software was quietly collecting information about your habits, websites you visit, websearches, texts you send. There is more to it, but I have listed just a few reasons for you to understand how serious this is. To be clear, my software controlled your camera and microphone as well. It was just about right timing to get you privacy violated. I have made a few pornhub worthy videos with you as a lead actor. I’ve been waiting enough and have decided that it’s time to put an end to this. Here is my offer. Let’s name this a “consulting fee” I need to get, so I can delete the media content I have been collecting. Your privacy stays untouched, if I get the payment. Otherwise, I will leak the most damaging content to your contacts and post it to a public website for perverts to view.
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27 сентября 2021 Понедельник. 14:11:54 UTC
blackmail scam
Мошенник / обидчик
me pide dinero.
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27 сентября 2021 Понедельник. 13:35:21 UTC
Мошенник / обидчик
came from my own email address
United States
wanted a $1650 "consulting fee" to remove supposedly pornographic video and other things he/she observed while hacking my computer. I block my camera so obviously anything of these gigs are fake. be careful out there people.
Адрес сайта
27 сентября 2021 Понедельник. 13:07:25 UTC
blackmail scam
Мошенник / обидчик
they spoofed my own email address
United States
Typical "I know all your secrets" crap.
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27 сентября 2021 Понедельник. 12:40:21 UTC
blackmail scam
Мошенник / обидчик
Who Knows?
United States
You were not targeted, but just became one of the many unlucky people who got hacked through that webpage. All of this happened in August. So I’ve had enough time to collect the information. I think you already know what is going to happen next. For a couple of month my software was quietly collecting information about your habits, websites you visit, websearches, texts you send. There is more to it, but I have listed just a few reasons for you to understand how serious this is. To be clear, my software controlled your camera and microphone as well. It was just about right timing to get you privacy violated. I have made a few pornhub worthy videos with you as a lead actor. I’ve been waiting enough and have decided that it’s time to put an end to this. Here is my offer. Let’s name this a “consulting fee” I need to get, so I can delete the media content I have been collecting. Your privacy stays untouched, if I get the payment. Otherwise, I will leak the most damaging content to your contacts and post it to a public website for perverts to view. You and I understand how damaging this will be to you, it's not that much money to keep your privacy. (blah, blah, blah ....)
Адрес сайта
27 сентября 2021 Понедельник. 12:36:33 UTC
blackmail scam
Мошенник / обидчик
spoofed email
Subject: Do You Do Any of These Embarrassing Things? I am sorry to inform you but your device was hacked. That's what happened. I have used a Zero Click vulnerability with a special code to hack your device through a website. A complicated software that requires precise skills that I posess. This exploit works in a chain with a specially crafted unique code and such type of an attack goes undetected. You only had to visit a website to be infected, and unfortunately for you it's that simple for me. You were not targeted, but just became one of the many unlucky people who got hacked through that webpage. All of this happened in August. So I’ve had enough time to collect the information. I think you already know what is going to happen next. For a couple of month my software was quietly collecting information about your habits, websites you visit, websearches, texts you send. There is more to it, but I have listed just a few reasons for you to understand how serious this is. To be clear, my software controlled your camera and microphone as well. It was just about right timing to get you privacy violated. I have made a few pornhub worthy videos with you as a lead actor. I’ve been waiting enough and have decided that it’s time to put an end to this. Here is my offer. Let’s name this a “consulting fee” I need to get, so I can delete the media content I have been collecting. Your privacy stays untouched, if I get the payment. Otherwise, I will leak the most damaging content to your contacts and post it to a public website for perverts to view.
Адрес сайта
27 сентября 2021 Понедельник. 08:24:08 UTC
blackmail scam
Мошенник / обидчик
Random email
United Kingdom
The usual I have hacked your system and have videos of you fapping nonsense.
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