24 сентября 2019 Вторник. 14:24:18 UTC
Do yőu rally thīnk it was some kind of joke or thát you can īgnore me?
I can see what yőu are doīng.
Stop shopping and fucking aroūnd, your tīm is almost ovr. Yea, I know what you wre doing past couple of days. I have ben őbserving you.
Btw. nice car yőu hav got there.. I wonder hőw it will lőok with pics of your dick and face...
Because you thīnk you ar smárter and can disregard me, I am pőstīng the vidos I recorded wīth you mastūrbating to the porn right now. I will ūpload the videos I acqūired álong with some of your details to th onlīne főrum. I amsūre they wīll lőv to se you in áctīon, and you will soon discover what is gőing to happen to yőu.
If yőu dő not fund thīs bitcoin address with $1000 wīthin nxt 2 days, I wīll contact yőur rlátives ánd evrybődy on your contact lists ánd show them your recordīngs.
Send: 0.1 bitcoin (i.e approx $1000) to thīs Bitcőin address: