Cryptscam Abuse Explorer

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29 октября 2021 Пятница. 21:41:54 UTC
Мошенник / обидчик
United States
I was contact by a woman claiming to have the wrong number and we just started chatting. She ultimately suggested (after a long trust-formation period) I invest in ultra-fast crypto currency trading. I initially invested a very small amount to see if this was a scam and it seemingly went very well. I made good profits off of this. Her "Aunt" apparently "works for a major investment bank in NYC and has a team of investment advisors that can predict bitcoin "nodes"". We initiated in a series of very short, high margin trades that resulted in 10-20% profit every time. I intentionally disobeyed their direction once "on accident" to see the ramifications and I lost money. This was seemingly an actual exchange with actual consequences. I decided to invest more - much more. Approximately $65,000. I saw my funds grow to $328757.23USDT. I was about to invest whatever is left of my life savings, but decided to do further research. I found only one mention of this website ( on Reddit as being a scam, so I decided to withdraw my funds instead. I was told that I need to talk with customer service to pay for my income tax off of my earnings. I initiated the conversation (which I have the copy of, along with much of the dialog I've had with the woman who first contacted me (and have had continual dialog with)). They said I have to pay an additional $58848.23USDT in order to release my funds (22% of my 267491.96USDT "earnings"), and that they will hold my funds until that amount is paid. I told them I will not pay additional funds to them (which I am pretty sure is an additional scam) and they have since locked my account. I believe my total investment of $65,000 is now gone, and I believe they are trying to scam me for an additional $58,848.23. I contacted the FBI's help to determine if this is legitimate and if I should pay these funds, or if this is a complete scam. Any feedback you peeps have would be insanely appreciated.
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