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11 марта 2019 Понедельник. 16:48:48 UTC
blackmail scam
Мошенник / обидчик
The last time you visited a erotic website with young Teens, you downloaded and installed the software I developed. My program has turned on your camera and recorded your act of Masturbation and the video you were masturbating to. My software also downloaded all your email contact lists and a list of your Facebook friends. If you want me to delete both files and keep your secret, you must send me Bitcoin payment. I give you the last 72 hours. If you don't know how to send Bitcoins, search Google. Send 2000 USD to this Bitcoin address immediately: 39kH1Tw9vaDP8hcsqKsDLfpgbTedRcBJN7 Do not try to cheat me! As soon as you open this Email I will know you opened it. Don't try to deceive me - I will know it immediately - my spy ware is recording all the websites you visit and all keys you press. If you do - I will send this ugly recording to everyone you know, including your family. Ollie Anonymous Hacker bla bla bla...
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