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18 августа 2019 Воскресенье. 21:48:34 UTC
Мошенник / обидчик
What the ƒ**k are you doing, pedophile ? - (N1ghTm4r3)
United States
Because you think you are smarter and can disregard me, I am posting the 4 videos I recorded with you masturbating to kids right now. I will upload the videos I acquired along with some of your details to the online forum. I am sure they will love to see you in action, and you will soon discover what we do with pedophiles like you. If you do not fund this bitcoin address with 5.000 USD by next Friday, i will contact your relatives and everybody on your contact lists and show them your pedophilia recordings. The bitcoin price changed since I last contacted you, here are the new transfer details: Send: 0.49183527 BTC to this Bitcoin address: 3ABeEWpufRMjoiYKLGjcUQ6Tv44hCZP2fG
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