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04 июля 2020 Суббота. 07:47:51 UTC
blackmail scam
Мошенник / обидчик
I got this meil ... Hello, You don't know me and you think you got this email, do you? Well, you can put malware on a porn website and know what, visit this website to have fun (you know what you mean). You can watch videos using your web browser as RDP (Remote Desktop) and as a ylogger, which offers access to your display and screen. Find the following product that connects to all Messenger, Facebook account and email account. What exactly did I do? I made a split screen video. The first part recorded videos that you watch (its a beautiful taste lol), following part of the recorded web page (Yes! What do you have to do? Well, I think (BGN 1,200) are a fair price for our little secret. Pay with bitcoin BTC Address: 1GSTWsoSWomVhjh7gmRjXT4S8GjbzhTZzQ (CAsE is sensitive, so you need to copy and paste)
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