17 апреля 2020 Пятница. 06:56:38 UTC
Мошенник / обидчик
Naoma Hehlgans
I know, xxxxx, is your pass word.
I require your total attention for the upcoming 24 hrs, or I will make sure you that you live out of embarrassment for the rest of your lifetime.
Hello there, you do not know me personally. Yet I know pretty much everything about you. Your personal fb contact list, phone contacts along with all the virtual activity on your computer from previous 186 days.
Consisting of, your self pleasure video, which brings me to the main reason why I 'm writing this particular email to you.
Well the last time you visited the porno web sites, my malware ended up being triggered inside your computer which ended up saving a lovely video footage of your masturbation act simply by activating your web camera.
(you got a incredibly strange taste by the way haha)